National Ca Tru Festival to take place in Hanoi in August

Bởi: namdv

Ca Tru Festival to be held in Hanoi in August - Tru, also known as Hat a dao, is a complex form of sung poetry found in the Northern Vietnam using lyrics written in traditional Vietnamese poetic forms. This traditional art performance was recognized as an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO in 2009. And to preserve this kind of art, a national Ca Tru Festival will be hold in Hanoi in August of 2014.

A Ca Tru group comprises of three performers: a female singer who uses breathing techniques and vibrations to create unique sounds while playing the clappers or striking a wooden box, and two instrumentalists who produce the deep tones of a three-stringed lute and the strong sounds of a ceremonial drum.

Ca tru singing appeared in the north around the 15th century and thrived until the early 20th century. Since then, it has lost popularity to imports of modern recreational forms and cultural activities.

This kind of singing is now practiced in 15 provinces and cities across Vietnam.

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